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What We Do:
The Abundant Design Services, provides the following:

  • Permaculture Design Workshops

  • Consulting & Coaching Services

  • Design Services

  • Installation & Maintenance Services


For more details, "click here"


The Abundant Design Institute, is a non-profit school, research center, and aid & development organization.  In the A.D. Institute, we serve people and organizations domestically and internationally teaching them the principles of Permaculture Design.  Our goal's include teaching people to provide for their own food needs, establishing organic, regenerative & sustainable farms / mini-farms in urban, sub-urban, and rural areas, establishing life skills education ceters and sustainable mission bases throughout the world.


  • The Abundant Design Projects, are projects that the students & alumni at the A.D. Institute do in our local community, throughout the United States, and abroad.  The purpose of these projects is to put the sustainable principles taught in the classroom into practice in real life bringing food security, nutrient dense foods, community life, education, and economy, and much more to people in need. 


About Our Garden And Farm Systems:

  • Some of the goals & benefits of our systems include the following:


  1. To develop nutrient dense foods through organic and biological soil building and plant selection.

  2. To build healthy soil.

  3. To harvest water and to maximize its use on your property.

  4. To be sustainable & regenerative.

  5. To develop diverse, nutrient dense, resilient, farms and gardens that establish regenerative food production.

  6. To design gardens and farms that customize the fruits, nuts, vegetables, and herbs that you prefer.

  7. To focus on perennial food forest production, which can produce up to 5 times more food than annual gardens.

  8. To avoid the use of genetically modified organisms / foods, chemical fertilizers, pesticides, herbicides, or fungicides.



Why We Do What We Do:

I'm eternally grateful to God our Father, who is refered to in the Scriptures as "The Gardner" (John 15:1), first because of his radical love that arrested my heart and transformed my life in March of 1994.  Secondly, because of the passion He put in my heart to know Him and make Him known through His creation. 


One of our primary desires is to work with widows, orphans, the needy & oppressed, by teaching them how to provide for their own food needs through regenerative food production.  It is our goal that the education that we provide, plus the garden systems we design & implement, will provide a platform for apprenticeship, life skills development, and the abundant life that Jesus promised to humanity.  Please visit our Portfolio Page & Abundant Design Projects Page, to see pictures and videos of projects that we've done to serve some of these precious people!



Who We Are:

I live in North Carolina with my beautiful wife, Lisa, and our three wonderful children.  The name "The Abundant Design" was inspired by the words of Jesus that express God's heart felt intention for humanity.  "I came that they may have life, and have it abundantly."  As one whose life has been radically transformed from death to abundant life, I am joyfully indebted to Him, and it is my lifelong joy and obligation to point others to the abundant life that is found in Him.  


Mike Lubanovic, B.A. Organizational Communications, A.A. Practical Ministry, Permaculture Design Certification from Geoff Lawton - Permaculture Research Institute, Soil Microbiology Certification from Dr. Elaine Ingham - Soil Foodweb Inc.


Mike has over 20 years of ministry experience in pastoring, outreach, humanitarian and missions work, and he also has over 18 years of combined landscaping and permaculture design and installation experience.



Permaculture Design Certification

Soil Microbiology Certificate

We would love to connect with you, so let's meet​." 

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